Unfinished Ponderings #3

There is a strange, metronomic crunching noise I sometimes catch coming from the kitchen. It crescendos and decrescendos, always rhythmic. Almost hypnotic, psychotic, like the pounding heartbeat of Poe infamy.

I should have entitled this series “Exciting starts to disappointing finishes.” I sincerely wish I knew the inspiration behind this instead of composing this abhorrently anticlimactic commentary on my inability to complete posts. This was from March 2021, by the by. It seems that last year posed some challenges in terms of composition completion… there is one more that I have been very slowly working on (which was also due in 2021); but I feel it has more reason to take awhile, in that I had to collaborate with another person in collecting photos and describing DIY procedures. Stay tuned, I swear!

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